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Summer Superfoods: Limiting Carbon Footprint


Summer’s in full bloom and the sun is shining. It’s time to change the menu to include more summer superfoods, preferably local. Eating seasonally reduces the personal carbon footprint and supports a more sustainable food economy by limiting how far food travels.

There’s never been a more pressing time in modern history when people’s health has been at the forefront.  But health isn’t only important when illness strikes; the immune system can grow like a muscle, and certain foods can help fight the cold, flu, and other infections.

Here are some in-season foods to add to your meals that help boost your immune system and be healthy:

Spinach – I know everyone has probably been told to eat their greens growing up. And there’s a reason for that. Dark, leafy greens are packed with nutrients that help the body work well and fight off infections. While Popeye made spinach famous, its real superpower comes from antioxidants and vitamin A. Spinach can also help with eye health and reduce oxidative stress. And it’s great in quiche.

Cucumbers – With the summer heat, it’s important to stay hydrated. Cucumbers are 96 percent water, crazy I know. On top of that, people get about 40% of their water through food instead of drinks. But in addition, they’re packed with things like antioxidants, vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Add these to a salad or blend it into a smoothie.

Red bell peppers – If you think an orange has more vitamin C than a red bell pepper, you’re wrong. In addition to all the internal health benefits of vitamin C, it also helps maintain healthy, glowing skin. Chop it, sauté it, or stuff it; bell peppers have endless possibilities.

The possibilities are endless this summer. There’s no better time to experiment in making amazing dishes, even if it’s just for yourself.

Photo from Fragmento Universo
The Purpose-Driven